Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Staying Healthy and Happy in the Holidays

The fall season is quickly turning into a flurry of activity with the end of the year coming quickly! By now you have probably had some kind of cold, maybe a flu? and possibly a couple of these viruses running around. The pace is getting quick and the stress levels are starting to rise. Does this sound familiar? The key to keeping your body functioning is based on how strong your immune system is at any given time. Start off with a strong immune system and hopefully the cold,flus, and viruses will hit you lightly rather than a freight train. So, your question would naturally be.How? I have compiled a list of seven things that I believe are important for everybody to start with.I strive to do these things as much as humanly possible, and then leave the rest to God.

#1 Exercise regularly. Three times a week at the bare minimum. More is better. Walking, riding a bike, swimming, hiking, working out. Keep your heart and body moving.

#2 Eat as fresh as you can. No processed foods.  Eat real foods like butter over margarine, no imitations. Salads,veggies, fruits, legumes,fish. Minimal amounts of red meat, fried foods, and junk food. Pick your holiday foods wisely. Enjoy your food, but stay away from processed foods.

#3 Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of good, clean water. Eight hours of sleep, and 8 glasses of water a day. Drink chammomile tea in the evenings or sleepytime tea to get a good night's rest.

#4 Take your vitamins and supplements. Dr.Bruno reccommends "Nano Greens 10" with 8 oz water in the morning with 1/4 tsp HMF Powder to start your day.If you fighting a flu or symptoms, take "Wellness Formula" twice a day. All these are available in Dr. Chris's office. We reccommend Nordic Berries by Nordic Naturals for the kids as a daily supplement. They taste great and kids love em!

#5 Stretch daily. Take 5-10 minutes in the morning to stretch out and get your body limber. Ask Dr. Chris for a copy of his stretches.

#6 Start your day off right. Have a quiet moment to gather your thoughts and communicate with your family about the day at hand.

#7 Be thankful. Be grateful. Encourage someone. Help someone in some way.

Have a great holiday season. Enjoy yourself but take good care of your body and we'll see you in the office!

Merry Christmas!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Strategic Health Basics for kids and(us too!)

What fall already??? I was just getting into summer!
The task of getting the kids up and out to school in the mornings has once again become the routine. , 4 days of soccer practice, homework, games on the weekend. Maybe a walk on the beach or a sail, and it’s Monday again.
The busy routine, less sleep, less vitamin D(sunshine), and more interaction with people everywhere, usually means that the kids and sometimes we parents are sure to run into a cold, the flu, or worse.
For the past several years I’ve been working on a practical but effective nutritional arsenal to keep us healthy thru what some call the” cold and flu season.” The result: virtually no sick days, and if we get “something” it’s gone quick. That means, less cold remedies, less doctor visits, less antibiotics,………. less stress.

In the next few articles I’ll share some strategic, potent additions to your already healthy (hopefully) diet to keep your immune system at peak performance.

Strategic Health # 1
Probiotics: To keep it simple, a good diet and supplements only work if your digestive system is healthy, like good soil for your garden, so is healthy flora for your gut. Supplementing with a high quality probiotic formula will ensure better digestion and healthier immune system.

Dr. Chris's Favorite:
HMF Super Powder by Seroyal
: Mixed with water, juice, cereal or smoothie, at 8 billion bugs per serving it’s a great daily start to peak performance.
Want to know more send me a note: